Helping Your Family

Helping Your Family

If you have never served personally but have an immediate family member (parent, sibling, child, or spouse of child) that has served, OATH wants to extend our services to you as well. (Unfortunately, this won’t be an option until future phases are...
Helping Your Children

Helping Your Children

Warriors with children that serve with their spouse or raise their children alone will not go unnoticed. OATH wants to provide comfort for all warriors and their families. If a child or children lose one or both of their parents whether, in combat or an unexpected...
Helping Your Spouse

Helping Your Spouse

For military spouses that rely on the income of the soldier, OATH would like to extend its services to the spouse if anything was to happen to the soldier. All OATH needs is proof that the soldier served. Once OATH receives all documentation per S.O.P., the Spouse...